Tuesday, November 23, 2010

From the Bottom to the Top

My journey begins at the bottom of the state of Wyoming at it's capital in Cheyenne. My family and I are all packed, full of snacks, and ready to hit the road. Our destination is at the top of the state located in Powell, Wyoming at  the residence of my parents house. With my son being six years old traveling can be boring and so over our many many trips we have tried to make it fun for all of us. We listen to books on tape, play road games like eye spy, and guess which town is coming up next.

If you look around at Cheyenne it is really the "city" in the state of Wyoming with the exception of Casper. Cheyenne is really large, surrounded by one way streets, interstates, buildings, houses, and of course land. Coming from a town of five thousand Cheyenne is huge and intimidating. However, it still has that home town not to big of a city feel to it. One minute you can get all decked out for a night on the town with friends and the next your headed to the mountains for some outdoor fun.

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