Tuesday, November 23, 2010

From the Bottom to the Top: Cheyenne to Casper

Our adventure begins with exiting Cheyenne and heading toward Chugwater. Between these two destinations is lots of neutral colors, hills, and scattered trees. One thing people will notice about Wyoming is that sage green, tan, brown, blue and rusty red make up the colors of this state. You will also notice how open this state is. You can always see the sky and that can be such a gift if you come from the city. Reaching Chugwater you will notice that it is extremely small and more of a stop and go place. It's basically a small hole off the interstate, and the first thing you notice is a huge cabin located right in the center of this stop.

Driving on the hills range from large to small. I call them hills because they are not as large as mountains. The land that surrounds me is mostly flat and neutral. In the summer time you will run into lots of construction while in the winter time the snow runs the roads. Arriving upon our next town is the town of Douglas. Douglas is spread out and has a population around 5,700. There are very few tall buildings, but the town does exhibit some rough territory in the distance. Before too long we have drove through Douglas and are headed to Casper.

The distance between Douglas and Casper is around 46 miles. 46 miles on the interstate going 75mph is not very long. The change of scenery is quite dramatic though. Just off of Casper are the Casper mountains. Casper is the second largest state in Wyoming and very popular for its Oil (History, 2010). Casper is always buzzing with traffic and sometimes some nasty weather. I noticed that over the years they have really tried to clean up their town, and it continues to be a work in progress. Driving through a portion of the city is our exit to Shoshoni. The distance between Casper and Shoshoni is very long, but I will save that for the next post.  

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