Friday, December 3, 2010

Casper to Powell

Exiting the busy city/town of Casper we head for Shoshoni, WY and before us 98 miles of Wyoming country. This strip is not something that most people look forward to driving. It is very long and flat. There are no mountains, but a few hills here and there. Sage brush covers the land mass. You will usually see antelope, deer, bunnies, and even mice if you're driving at night. About 40 miles in there is a small town called Power River. Driving through I wondered if anyone even lives in this town because there are no shops and very few houses which  are in rough shape. Finally reaching Shoshoni, WY we take our right turn and head for the canyon and then Thermopolis, WY. Driving through the Wind River Canyon is the best part of the trip. You literally are driving through a crack between two mountains and right by the Wind River. There are three tunnels that you drive through and stops and tepees along the way. The amount of detail that is with in the 15 minute drive is unbelievable. So many cracks and rocks, rail road tracks, fish, water, sky, tunnels, road all covered with memories. Some filled with wonderful stories others filled with sadness from lost of loved ones. Exiting the canyon a hill leads up to Thermopolis, WY.
Thermopolis is famous for this hot water springs, but driving through this town you wouldn't know it at first. You will always see deer in Thermopolis in the residents yard eating their grass, flowers and other plants. After leaving Thermopolis is a 50 minute drive to Meeteetse, WY. The drive is filled with large hills and curvy turns. The terrain is more rough and the mountains are much closer.
Entering Meeteetse you notice that it is an old western town. Wooden sidewalks line the way, and rarely do you see people using them. I have spent a lot of time in Meeteetse thanks to my in laws and have come to love this little town. The people are very friendly, and it is so nice to be so close to the mountains. After Meeteetse come the town of Cody, WY, 30 miles away.
During the summer Cody is the tourist town. It hosts many western shows, has a great museum, and is the heart of Buffalo Bill. Entering Cody we take the cut across to Powell, WY. This route takes us around the air port and to the high way. But you can't enter this town without seeing Heart Mountain and the Beartooth Mountains (Wyoming Road Trip, 2010).When your reach the northern part of the state you notice how close and large the mountains are. You see how green and lush they get in the Summer, and covered in snow in the Winter. There are also many peaks that surround this area. The peaks are not as large as the mountains, but they are very steep, and filled with many cracks and crevices.
On ward to Powell, WY our final destination the peaks keep us on our path. they are the guide lines that we say in between. Reaching Powell I always notice that this town is completely surrounded by mountains and peaks. To the east we have the Big Horn Mountains and to the west the Beartooths and Heart Mountain. The north and south areas are the peaks. Powell is very much of a farming community. Compared to Cheyenne Powell is completely different. This farming town of 5000 is very different from the city of Cheyenne. There are few shops and everyone knows everyone. It is very easy to navigate through and can be a boring place if your a high school student on a Friday night. But there are the mountains, fishing, hunting, camping, hiking, lakes, and so many other outdoor activities. Sure the nearest mall is 1.5 hours away, but hey look at how much money you will save.
Wyoming may not be a populated state but for those who live there we like it that way.    

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